Formisano Bakery is based in Saugerties New York, and delivers to the surrounding area in our own trucks seven days a week, every day of the year except Christmas Day. Our delivery area reaches north to Lake George NY and southern Vermont, south to Newburgh, east to Springfield MA and Hartford CT, and west as far as Ellenville.
Each customer has a permanent Sales Representative to support them for initial order entry, communication of delivery requirements, and payment issues. This Sales Representative will be an advocate for the customer on any issue necessary. Of course, the office staff or a member of the family management team may be contacted directly at any time if desired.
Each customer has their products placed exactly where they want them, inside or out, wrapped/boxed as requested.
Customers may set up standing orders which contain a different order variety and count for each day of the week. This will be delivered with no additional interaction required. Changes can of course be made on a daily basis as needed.
It is recognized that today's fast moving business environment requires quick response to changing conditions. Changes to an order can be made 24 hours a day by phone. Order changes received as late as 1PM can be accomodated for the next morning's delivery.
Formisano Bakery is pleased to provide special and one-time orders of standard or unique baked goods. Please call us to discuss your needs.
All Rights reserved copyright 2015